This is the last (for now) in a series of blog posts about whether ChatGPT can help us with Planning Analytics (PA) / TM1, more specifically with Turbo Integrator (TI) script. In the first post in the series, I provided some background on AI technology like ChatGPT and really useful AI tools for programmers, like GitHub Copilot. In the second post in the series, I shared some ways in which ChatGPT is already able to help understand TI script, which could be useful in tasks like system documentation. One other finding in that second blog post is that although ChatGPT does a good job of accurately describing TI scripts, it is not yet capable of helping to suggest ways of optimizing or improving those scripts; it suggests things that are not possible in TI script (like CASE statements) and even makes up functions which don’t exist. As a reminder, all ChatGPT responses in this series are from ChatGPT-3.5, unless otherwise specified.