
QueBIT Blog: IBM Satellite becomes available - Part 2

Posted by: Walter Coffen Jul 9, 2024 10:00:00 AM
In the prior article, Part 1: IBM Satellite replacing the Secure Gateway, we discussed IBM’s change to how data is loaded through a VPN tunnel into Planning Analytics on Cloud, PAoC. The IBM... Read More

QueBIT Blog: IBM Satellite replacing the Secure Gateway - Part 1

Posted by Walter Coffen

Beginning August 2024, IBM Planning Analytics on Cloud, PAoC, will begin replacing IBM Secure Gateway with IBM Satellite. The business problem that the Secure Gateway and Satellite tools solve is one of data security, specifically how to protect data in a hybrid environment with data in-transit between public and private cloud computing resources. Businesses have been shifting towards utilizing cloud resources like PAoC for a while now, but they still have significant local data, such as data warehouses and ERP systems in their own physical data centers or private clouds. The attractive benefits that caused the creation of PAoC, a cloud-hosted Platform as a Service (PaaS), meant that a safe and secure way of supplying data to PAoC needed to be found. IBM had available in its toolbox the Secure Gateway platform that creates encrypted tunnels between IBM Cloud Secure Gateway servers and private-cloud/on-premises data resources possessed by its customers. With Secure Gateway, data can safely flow data bi-directionally, keeping secure the “crown jewels” of financial data for the enterprise.

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Topics: IBMSatellite, IBMSecureGateway

QueBIT Blog: Practical Implementation Strategies for AI in Financial Forecasting

Posted by Justin Croft

Implementing AI in financial forecasting can revolutionize how businesses predict future trends, manage risks, and drive decision-making processes. This blog post provides a detailed step-by-step guide on integrating AI into your financial forecasting efforts, covering crucial phases from initial data collection to model deployment and ongoing monitoring.

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QueBIT Blog: Preparing for the Future: Changes Coming to IBM Planning Analytics on Cloud

Posted by Walter Coffen

In the ever-evolving world of cloud-based analytics, staying updated with the latest advancements is crucial. We are excited to announce an important update for IBM Planning Analytics on Cloud (PA Cloud) users. As of mid-September 2024, the Rich Tier Desktop will no longer be accessible. This transition marks a significant step towards improving user experience by integrating key functionalities into the modern Planning Analytics Workspace (PAW).

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QueBIT Blog: Transforming Financial Strategies and Operations with AI

Posted by Justin Croft

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into financial strategies and operations marks a profound shift in how businesses approach forecasting, risk assessment, and decision-making. AI's role in the financial sector is far-reaching, impacting everything from macroeconomic predictions to individual credit risk assessments. This blog examines several key areas where AI is making significant inroads into the financial world, highlighting its transformative impacts across diverse financial functions.

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QueBIT Blog: Navigating Accuracy Metrics in AI Forecasting: A Detailed Analysis

Posted by Justin Croft

In AI-driven financial forecasting, the choice of accuracy metrics is critical to ensuring the reliability of predictive models. This blog explores the intricacies of popular accuracy metrics in the context of finance, emphasizing their implications and practical usage without relying heavily on bullet points for a more narrative-driven approach.

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QueBIT Blog: Accuracy Metrics in AI Forecasting: A Detailed Analysis

Posted by Justin Croft

When implementing AI in financial forecasting, measuring the accuracy of your models is crucial. Metrics like Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) provide different lenses through which to assess performance. Understanding these metrics can significantly impact how you interpret AI predictions and their reliability.

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QueBIT Blog: IBM Think 2024: Revolutionizing Business with Watson and AI Integration

Posted by Justin Croft

The IBM Think 2024 event brought together industry leaders, innovators, and technology enthusiasts to explore the future of business technology. This year, the spotlight was on Watson and the integration of AI into existing products, showcasing how these advancements are transforming various sectors. Here’s a detailed look at the key themes and insights from the event.

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Topics: WatsonX, Think2024

QueBIT Blog: Unveiling the Power of Holdout Forecasts in AI

Posted by Justin Croft

Holdout forecasts are a critical tool in AI forecasting, providing a robust method for validating the accuracy of predictive models. This technique involves dividing your data into two sets: one for training the AI and the other for testing its predictions. This approach helps ensure that your model can effectively perform with new, unseen data, simulating real-world conditions as closely as possible.

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Topics: #FinanceAI, AI For Finance, Holdout Forecast

QueBIT Blog: Foundations of AI Forecasting in Finance

Posted by Justin Croft

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are reshaping the landscape of financial forecasting, providing tools that can significantly enhance accuracy and decision-making in finance. The integration of AI into financial forecasting isn't just a trend; it’s becoming a necessity as the complexity of the market increases.

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Topics: Machine Learning for forecasting, #FinanceAI

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