
QueBIT Blog: Foundations of AI Forecasting in Finance

Posted by: Justin Croft May 15, 2024 10:30:00 AM
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are reshaping the landscape of financial forecasting, providing tools that can significantly enhance accuracy and decision-making in finance.... Read More

QueBIT Blog: Leveraging AI and ML: Incorporating Strategic Initiatives into the Planning Process

Posted by Justin Croft

Finance leaders face the challenge of effectively integrating emerging technologies like AI and ML into their planning processes. With the abundance of hype surrounding these technologies, it's crucial to separate the noise from the strategies that truly deliver measurable value. In this blog, we will explore the top five cross-functional AI use cases that Finance should own and drive, focusing on how to begin leveraging AI to produce results. By incorporating these strategic initiatives into the planning process, Finance teams can gain valuable insights and drive outcomes that positively impact the organization's success.

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Topics: Demand Planning, Machine Learning for forecasting, Predictive Revenue Forecasting, Sales and Operations Planning, CustomerRetention

Strategies for Automating Your Forecasting Process

Posted by Justin Croft

Forecasting is a discipline that reduces companies' exposure to risk. The process of forecasting alerts us to upcoming shortages in supply or demand, allowing us to take precautionary measures before we find ourselves in a negative cash-flow scenario. Forecasting is truly a critical business function within any organization. Automating your forecasting process can help you maximize efficiency while reducing costs and improving accuracy. This article will outline how you can use a variety of tools and approaches to automate various aspects of your forecasting process.

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Topics: Machine Learning for forecasting, Automate Forecasting

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